Greetings friends and colleagues! This message comes to you with great hope and encouragement in these difficult times!
This last year has been a challenging one for my family. They mean the world to me and I will do whatever it takes to care for them.
Last June 2010 I made a commitment to read my Bible from cover to cover and kept that promise, finishing it completely on February 2011. What a journey! So many stories of defeat, triumph and God’s promises being fulfilled! It gave me hope and a renewed FIRE!
“I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust (Believe) in him. Then, you will overflow with confident hope (belief) through the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13
Then God really started to show us favor these last four months by moving us in an exciting new direction. We found a tenant for our lake house in four days which will allow us to keep that investment property and not have to sell in a down market, our son Luke was accepted into the US Air Force this August 2011.
It appeared that out of the blue, a top income earner with a solid track record in traditional business and Network Marketing, called about four times back the end of April and we finally connected in May. I had never met this person so didn’t realize who he was or why he persisted in calling. He sought me out online and was impressed with my background and success in the industry. Actually he is not an Internet builder. He’s a belly to belly leader that picks up the phone and calls people, which is also what I do when I meet someone online. Their back ground had been in a very successful traditional business until Marc was struck by a drunk driver ten years ago. That accident devastated their lives and their highly successful event planning business in Philadelphia/New York.
I have since become extremely impressed with him and his wife, their story of defeat and triumph and all they have accomplished to build a full time income and to be at the top of several companies in Network Marketing in the last seven years. Most of all I’m impressed with the respect I’ve received from them and the leadership integrity they have shown.
I did not set out looking for any of this to happen and have nothing but positive to say about the people I’ve worked with in the past. They happened to offer me a position at the top of their business with a new division started by their seven year debt free company and introduced me to the CEO and other top leadership who I’ve since connected with. It was shear timing and meant to be as they say. God’s timing to be exact. They introduced me to other top industry leaders who I’ve also become highly impressed with. I’m meeting them and the CEO in Boca Raton Flordia Sept. 9-12. We’ve all been invited to their red carpet opening and dinner with the CEO.
The CEO, has also visited my personal website. Here’s the feedback he shared recently:
Hi Sue, I just looked through your website and I must say it is fantastic. I don’t think I have ever seen a distributor leader’s website with so much great information on it. There is no doubt you know this industry and business inside and out. Regards, Stan
Sue, what a wonderful blog. You truly are wonderful in how you tell your story and inspire others. You have come through a rough patch, only to find the sunshine again. The good Lord has blessed you, but He has blessed us more, for he has delivered you to Marc and Barbara, to me and to this company. We long for people like you – a person of faith, of integrity, forward thinking, with a purposeful goal to help other people. We are so happy to have you on our team, in our organization. We want to help you realize your dreams again, as you did before, this time with a happy future in a wonderful company. Have a wonderful time in Boca meeting all your new colleagues, forging new relationships and absorbing all the inspiration to launch you on your new journey!
Warm regards,
Kathleen Deoul Diamond Distributor
Sue, you are an inspiration to us all. We are very thankful that you came into our lives. Blessings, Barbara Gitomer
60K Emerald Distributor
Everything started to fall into place and I had no idea at the time why this was all happening and most people have no idea and ask why are you doing this or I cannot believe you joined ‘that’ company? Funny how people sometimes make assumptions and judgments before they know the entire story behind the scenes of a person’s life.
“Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother’s way.” Romans 14:13
Now we realize that it’s been God’s plan all along, and when He works He works fast. When things fall into place like this we better be prepared to obey when He says to move and do it now. I’ve learned not to ask questions or try figuring everything out myself. Just move when the cloud moves as the Israelis did in the Bible when following Moses to the Promise Land! I’ve been praying for many years for our family, my business, and it just seemed like nothing was happening except one challenge after another. I felt like a wounded bird with a clipped wing, literally with a broken wrist. I realize too that that God gives us these obstacles to help us grow into stronger leaders!
God has moved mountains for all this to happen because I received an offer several months ago to sell one business and that sale has finally gone through on August 16th 2011 a year after I lost income with my other company. We transferred another business to our younger son James and his bank account to earn some extra income for college.
I developed a full time six figure income in this profession, starting as a stay at home mom in 1996 with no income of my own, no business experience, no corporate back ground, no degrees, not much credibility or contacts and very little confidence and have no doubt will do it again because God promises to pay us back double for what we lost. I believe in His word and His promises.
“The Lord has commanded me to be blessed; therefore, I am blessed and cannot be cursed. I am the head and not the tail. I am above only and not beneath. I will lend and not borrow.” Deuteronomy 28: 3-14
There’s a lot more to this amazing story of defeat, triumph, and come back to rebuild the wall so to speak! Some of you may remember the story of Nehemiah rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem in the Bible. It’s an awesome and encouraging story of God fulfilling His promises!
“When you hear the blast of the trumpet, rush to wherever it is sounding. Then our God will fight for you!” Nehemiah 4:20
Anyone who’s interested in hearing about what we are doing, it’s best we connect with a phone conversation! If you are not earning what you feel you are capable of, just not happy with the way things have been going, you feel wounded and abandoned; and you are in the looking zone searching your soul for the right opportunity, with the right leadership at the right time, we’d love to speak with you, fill you in on what we’re doing, where we plan to go and help you to reach the full potential that God has in store for you too!
Soar Like An Eagle!
Sue Seward
Call me direct at – 979-248-1020 or my voice service at 800-985-4697
“Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not be weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31