Passing on a very interesting and informative article on silver prices. We’ve also been hearing a lot lately about this from other media sources.
We believe it’s best to stay informed about what’s happening and in taking action.
That’s why we feel good about adding Numis Network products to our family portfolio since August because of everything we’re hearing and reading about lately with the economy, what’s happening with the dollar and the price of silver predicted to Jump from $33.50 to $208 in the next six months and we feel that we’ve got an obligation to inform everyone we come in contact with.
Are you going to get in on this silver boom at the right time before it’s too late? People are out buying all kinds of junk on black Friday, and during the holidays, flushing money down the toilet. What will they have to show for it in years to come?
Doesn’t it make better sense to start collecting assets that will actually appreciate? Besides the fact that the IRS looks even more favorably on a home business where someone is accumulating assets with the expectation that those assets will appreciate. We heard this from CPA and Tax Strategist Diane Kennedy. She took it straight from the US Tax Code. Email me and I’ll get that for you.
We have a lot of network marketing products that we use here at our house. I love supporting the industry and using great products that actually work for us like vitamins, shakes, warmers and scents, skin care, make up, greeting card services, you name it we’ve probably tried and are using it.
When it comes to business we started asking ourselves some questions about what to consider when choosing any network marketing company whether it’s a vitamin, weight loss product, juice, skin care, legal, cell phone, greeting card services, Numis Network’s gold and silver coins or any other products or services.
Are we excited about it?
This is important because after all if we’re not excited will anyone else be? Who’s not excited about making money selling money and collecting assets in their business?
Is it a product that is in demand?
We know that weight loss products are always in demand right? We know that obesity is totally out of hand in this country and abroad too and we want to be healthy and not over weight so of course we consume those products daily. What a great niche when it comes to demand but there is a lot of competition in this industry so think about that for a moment. We believe it’s smart to be collecting Numis Networks products for this very reason because there has never been more of a demand for gold and silver. We’re reading and hearing about the coming silver boom all over the place so it feels really good to be in the right place at the right time. And who doesn’t want to accumulate silver and gold assets? Someone would have to be living in a cave not to realize what’s happening with this commodity right now and with the boom that is coming!
How much competition does your product have?
There is a real demand for weight loss products especially after the holidays but there are thousands of other network marketing companies selling weight loss products, plus health food stores and online retailers competing for your customers. We also recommend finding a product that has demand with ZERO competition. We love Numis Networks products because there’s practically zero competition for this product in Network Marketing. There is no other company who has the strategic partnerships either with giants in the coin industry which is what gives Numis Network the edge and ability to offer all the specials they do that absolutely no one else can match. It’s crazy fun stuff!
Imagine this…. if someone in your warm market isn’t succeeding in your company, will you be embarrassed when they get stuck with a garage full of your MLM products?
We all know that some will build and some won’t. That’s just a given in our industry. Will you be feeling guilty when they are stuck with cases of your product next time you run into them? Are you marketing a product that you could speak with absolutely anyone about, no matter how prestigious they are? Remember, who in their right mind doesn’t want silver and gold assets these days?
Even if your own excitement level drops off it’s always great to know there’s a high demand for your product and you can be sure that you won’t be embarrassed to talk about it even when speaking with CEO’s and high level professionals you meet and feel really good that you recommended the Numis Network products to them.
Perhaps you’ve had some friends and colleagues that started an MLM business and then never really built it? I have some myself and they are still on autoship every month because they love the products. People actually thank us for helping them build assets. How would you like people thanking you for signing them up even if they don’t build a business and sell the products?
Here’s one of my top questions which is actually unique to Numis Networks products:
Does your MLM company product increase your NET WORTH just by collecting it? Is your product an asset that you can take to the bank and show on your balance sheet when applying for a loan?
You’re right, this is our honest opinion and it’s the very questions we’ve been asking ourselves for quite some time when a good friend introduced us to Numis Network and we started collecting assets for the very first time in any MLM company. We have thanked her over and over for turning us on to this company and product!
Numis Network products are the one and ONLY network marketing product (out of 5000 companies in our industry), whose product that the IRS considers an ASSET.
Collecting assets may not something you’ve thought about and it may not be up your alley and that’s totally OK. It’s understandable that you may prefer your product and I appreciate your passion for anything you do, but you may want to consider and just imagine for a minute what would happen if you started collecting assets in your business too. What would that do for your family? How would it affect your balance sheet? How much fun could you and your family have together collecting these beautiful silver and gold coins each month that you could actually sell back to the company in five years for what you paid for them? Do you have a Five Year buy back guarantee like that with your weight loss, shakes, skin care or vitamins?
There’s no doubt that I’m always going to support our industry and buy quality MLM products and will recommend those products when they give us positive benefits to share with others. As far as business goes we’re going to market ASSETS with Numis Network because it’s one of the smartest things our family has ever done in MLM!
So how do you start taking advantage of the coming silver boom for you and your family to start collecting assets? Start by entering your name, email and phone one time by clicking on the link below and you will be entered in the daily Silver giveaway forever and find out how to take the next step and become a Silver Premier Club member and thank us later for introducing you to Numis Networks products!
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!
The Seward Family